Inside The Box

Book Reading Trends 2016: Print books are more popular than e-books or audio books

Published: 01/2017

Nearly three out of four Americans have read at least one book in the past year, states the Pew Research Center report based on a 2016 survey. On average, they read 12 books per year, while the typical American has read four books in last twelve months. The share is largely unchanged since 2012.

Although we’ve witnessed a significant growth of sales of e-book readers in the last five years, the traditional print book is still the No. 1 choice people will reach for. Roughly two-thirds of Americans (65%) have read a print book in the last year – that is more than double the share that has read an e-book (28%) and more than four times the share that has consumed book content via an audio book (14%). Nearly four in ten Americans read print books.

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